The purpose of the Postgraduate Diploma in Infectious Diseases is to strengthen the student’s confidence and capability as a medical practitioner and equip them with tools for lifelong learning and reflective practice to make a lasting contribution. This is especially for the medical professional working in communities disproportionally affected by infectious diseases.

What are the expected Learning Outcomes for the Postgraduate Diploma in Infectious Diseases? 

Candidates will be able to:

  • demonstrate adequate theoretical knowledge of the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management of commonly occurring TB and HIV-related illnesses.
  • safely perform essential diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.
  • apply sound clinical reasoning towards a safe diagnosis and management plan.
  • develop as a life-long learner in applying reflective and social learning practices and accessing additional learning resources.

It is composed out of 5 large modules:

  • Module 1: Adult infectious diseases
  • Module 2: Paediatric infectious diseases
  • Module 3: Diagnosis and clinical management of TB and HIV-related conditions
  • Module 4: Surgical infections
  • Module 5: Community health for infectious diseases