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Is ChatGPT and AI the end of assessment as we know it?

During this podcast Dr. Jan Petrus Bosman, director at the Centre for Learning Technologies at Stellenbosch University, shares his insights and perspectives on the impact of artificial intelligence, including generative AI like ChatGPT, on assessment and our responses thereto.

Artificial Intelligence and other AI – academic integrity in assessment

Magriet de Villiers, an advisor at the Centre for Learning Technologies at Stellenbosch University, shares her view on academic integrity and the impact this “AI” has on assessment and artificial intelligence, the other “AI” in the room.

What is transformative assessment?

Elzette le Roux used to work as an academic advisor (online learning) at the Centre for Learning Technologies at Stellenbosch University. She shares some perspectives on what “transformative assessment” means and how this approach to assessment could transform student learning.

A lens on medical toxicology and the committed team at the Tygerberg poison information centre.

Carine Marks and Arina du Plessis at the Tygerberg Poison Information Centre serve a range of communities across South Africa and the continent as there are only 7 Poison Information Centres (PICs) currently in all of Africa.

To grow the availability of trained poison information specialists, they are driving signups for the Hybrid Learning Postgraduate Diploma in Medical Toxicology.

The poison info centre is key to save lives through their cross disciplinary knowledge of medicine and pharmacology, and local contexts, also considering drug fads and typical household chemicals which often impact young children.

Episode 1


An interview with Lucille Müller, a multimedia advisor, graphic designer, and video editor at the SU Centre for Learning Technologies.

She shares tips that educators and learning designers will find helpful, as they create digital learning material.

Her key points, which she accompanies with hand-on suggestions, are the following:


  • Specialised software is not required to design highly engaging digital learning material. (Do not underestimate the power and potential of tried-and-tested tools, such as PowerPoint. Click here for more about her very popular self-help PowerPoint course for SU staff).
  • The starting point should be your audience or student. Then, you can keep it simple – as long as your design is informed by their needs and context.
  • There are simple yet creative ways to bring a human element into the virtual space.

Hybrid Hustle – Episode 1

Episode 2

Meet the first Learning Designer at Stellenbosch University, Firdows Talip.

Firdows shares her experience as Learning Designer on Stellenbosch University’s strategic Hybrid Learning project and how her role has evolved from 2019.

Part 1: What is a ‘learning designer’, really?

  • Key differences in learning designer role in corporate e-learning space vs higher education spaces
  • Attributes of a learning designer at Stellenbosch University

Part 2: Lessons learned, from a designer working with lecturers 

  • The dynamic interaction (and tension) between a learning designer and the lecturer
  • Design towards a positive student experience and desired learning outcomes
  • All about H5P – the plugin which makes it easy to create, share and reuse interactive content directly in the Stellenbosch University Learning Management System (LMS)

Part 3: An evolving role: Thoughts for (and about) learning designers with Firdows Talip

Miné de Klerk, Stellenbosch University’s Hybrid Learning Project Manager, and Firdows Talip, one of the first learning designers in South Africa, first at Stellenbosch University, talk about the shifting sands which impact on the hybrid learning designer role.